Friday, September 28, 2007

FUN Update, September 28, 2007 - Brevity

Dear Friends,

One or two of you may have noticed that I dropped off the face of the earth for a while. I've been a little antisocial over the last few weeks because of some unresolved conflict that I had with a friend. But it is resolved now--for the better, I hope--and so here I am to report on my life.

It continually amazes me how little can happen in a month. I'm basically in precisely the same place that I was a month ago, except that...

I spent a few minutes trying to think of something different, and couldn't. That's my life right now, predictable as an atomic clock. I work and go rock climbing. For the moment, I am willing to accept that no news is good news and hang tight. After a few months, though, I might go stir crazy and pray for some cataclysm to spice up my life. For the moment, the only thing I have is a climbing trip that I'll be going on in a couple weeks. I'm going up to Chattanooga, TN to do some top-roping and bouldering. It's not cheap, but I really need a change of pace, if only for a few days.

Incidentally, my tentative plan is to fly to Michigan for Christmas for about a week. If I were to guess at the dates, I'd say December 20th to 27th.

That's it. Hope you're all well. If your life has been interesting recently, jot me a note and fill me in. God bless,


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