Wednesday, June 20, 2007

FUN Update, June 20, 2007 -

Dear Friends,

The most interesting thing that has happened to me in the last twenty days was when I hung out with a homeless guy for an hour or so. He was missing a lot of teeth. I went home and brushed mine and stopped just short of singing them a lullaby. Dear Lord, please let me keep my teeth until I'm too old to care.

After auditions, classes continued more or less as usual, albeit with a lot of faces missing. I'm learning a great deal, and (to my never-ending surprise) there is always much more to learn. Becoming a poker dealer is much more involved than I would have guessed. Like any profession that involves thousands of dollars changing hands every couple minutes, there's a lot of pressure to get things right, and to get it right the first time.

Our soft opening, the poker room equivalent of a dress rehearsal, will be on the 29th. All the games will be free of charge, and those invited will be treated to door prizes, free food, and an open bar. Then, two days later, I start work. I've been waiting for July 1st so long that it's like an icon in my mind. After that, the only worry is that, after ninety days, the managers will cut the nine dealers with the lowest performance.

I don't plan on being one of them.

I'm still not sure where I'll be living when I move out on the 30th. God will provide. I often wish He'd print a schedule for my benefit, but where would be the excitement in that? And besides: familiarity breeds contempt. At least this way, I always feel grateful.

I wish I had more to say. My next epistle may not come until after the opening. Until then, may God bless you and keep you.


See pictures of Leslie, Roxie, and my house. (Look for the album labeled "Florida.")

View the FUN Archives.

You can contact me by replying to this e-mail. To send letters or packages, use the following address:

Dan Kaschel
2011 Oakwood Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

My phone number is 231-631-3016.

That's it! Shalom,


1 comment:

wheatgerm said...

keep up the good work