Wednesday, May 30, 2007

FUN Update, May 30, 2007 - Communication

Dear Friends,

If you walk out my front door and trip over a tree root, you basically fall on top of the Mexican convenience store. But even though it's right at the end of my street, I walk past it another quarter mile to the one that says "open" in English and doesn't have tortilla shells in the display window. I planned on checking it out at some point, but procrastinated for the same reason that I sometimes wait for weeks before correcting the blinking twelves on new coffee makers.

That's not the only thing I procrastinate about. About three weeks after moving in here, my Landlord, Chris, casually mentioned something about utilities staying in his name, which I thought was strange because utilities are included in rent. The next day I realized that we had obviously crossed wires, and that we would need to reach some agreement on the issue. But I put it off and he never mentioned it again, so I assumed--read: convinced myself--that I had been wrong.

I received an e-mail from Chris a couple days ago detailing the utility bills I owed on. I sent an e-mail back and said utilities were included, but that I would be willing to begin paying them in exchange for a free month of rent. As much as I understood his position, I also didn't want to get knocked around without speaking up. He responded by saying that there was no compromise, which I resented since, having assembled all of our communication, there was no mention of utilities. After a few e-mails, he said he would be stopping by and we could talk.

He stopped by. We talked. He refused to accept my compromise, and I refused to calmly accept an extra hundred bucks per month that I didn't agree to. Unable to find a point of equilibrium, I found a move-out date (which is either the 23rd or the 30th). So it looks like I'll be moving again--this time, hopefully closer to work.

Two days ago I walked into the Mexican store. It had all the normal convenience store-type stuff, plus lots of beans, tortillas, and unidentifiable fruits. I didn't buy anything, but I'd certainly go back. If I had gone back when I first noticed it, weeks ago, it would have been just fine. And you know, if I had approached Chris weeks ago when he first mentioned the issue, that probably would have been just fine, too. Communication can do that.

Normally I'd end on that note, but since this is a newsletter I wanted to throw in another piece of news. My final audition for poker dealing was yesterday. It was difficult, but it was fun and I had a good time. I find out Friday whether I'm going to be a dealer. Until then, I suppose I just sit tight and pray. So you see, not all that much has changed since I left Haiti.


See pictures of Leslie, Roxie, and my new house. (Look for the album labeled "Florida.")

View the FUN Archives .

You can contact me by replying to this e-mail. To send letters or packages, use the following address:

Dan Kaschel
2011 Oakwood Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

My phone number is 231-631-3016.

That's it! Shalom,


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