Wednesday, March 28, 2007

FUN March 28, 2007 - Genesis

Dear Friends,

This is the first update of the Floridan Update Network (FUN). To me, the self-evident question that hovers above this endeavor is: what is the purpose of this newsletter? Of all the curses in the literary sphere, the worst is, "self-indulgent"; so, while I am tempted to offer a shampoo-bottle answer--thoughts oversimplified beyond the point where truth can be preserved--I want to take a brief moment to resolve my thoughts on the matter.

Firstly, I hereby acknowledge the difficulty of "keeping in touch." It has been a challenge to do so with friends and family while in Haiti, and it will be even more of a challenge when I have a job, a new group of friends, and a brand new host of distractions. This newsletter, therefore, is a statement: you are important to me, and I wish to ensure that my own shortcomings will not through negligence burn any bridges.

Secondly, I acknowledge the value of being accountable. Knowing that my decisions will reach the ears of my friends will, I hope, temper any tendency I might develop to exercise my new freedoms with too great a sense of liberation. The are some words better left unspoken; and some chains better left unbroken.

Finally, I hope to chronicle this period of my life in a form that is more formal than a journal and less formal than an actual book. Though I'm not one to harp on the past, I've always believed that untangling one's past is a step toward understanding one's present. Thanks to a moderate level of formality, much of the emotional deadweight that is everpresent in journals will be stripped from my record, leaving a cohesive picture of events and reactions.

These goals are largely annulled without you, the readers. Since I value you, I will do my best to keep this updates sincere, lively, and at least a little entertaining. My hope is that the FUN newsletter will live up to its name. Because I am in Florida only until tomorrow, any my true experiences begin only when I fly to Tampa on April 7th, I thought I could perhaps get away with having one boring newsletter to explain things and make a statement of attempt. But from now on, fear not: I will hold myself to standards. I will still hold sincerity as my primary consideration, but I think life has enough inherent irony to make almost anything interesting.

As always, I welcome feedback, responses, advice, or "hello"s.

Here are the details of my plans thus far: I will be flying back to Haiti on March 29th, tomorrow, to carry back lots of equipment for Jean. I will be there a bit more than a week. On April 7th, I will fly to Ft. Lauderdale, and then take a bus to Tampa. I will either walk or secure transportation to my new house, the address to which can be found below. The next week will be spent finding a job and generally getting settled in. And that's as much as I know.

To view FUN archives, go here. To view HUN archives, go here. Send letters or packages to:Dan Kaschel
2011 E. Oakwood Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

You can expect my last FUN newsletter to be sent out within a couple days of arriving in Tampa. Until then, I remain sincerely yours,
